Over the past year plus we worked to not only provide improved projections but also added a whole new tab within our app. The Accuracy tab is now available and allows users to not only look at the previous years’ projections and actual scores, but to compare across different projection platforms to see how they perform. To test out the new Accuracy tab and look at this year’s projections use the link below:
Preview of Updated Web App
App Improvements
Although a majority of the improvements of the app is focused on the Accuracy tab, we also made considerable improvements to the rest of the application as well. The app should now be faster and hold a more stable connection when loading data. We have also gone through and ensured accuracy of historical data. And, we have now incorporated ESPN projections into the app.
The Accuracy tab is the largest feature that has changed with the app. Within this, you have the ability to look at and compare data for specific seasons, weeks, positions, and point ranges. You also can compare accuracy statistics in the Stats chart panel of the Accuracy tab.
Feedback Although we have spent countless hours testing and improving the application, there is always room for improvement, especially for our brand-new Accuracy tab. Take the time to test things out and let us know your thoughts in the comments (or via our Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-h0tvhqvnj5109upbCcYaoZ6tbNyQvar1c-PTw9pkF2J50g/viewform for bug reporting)!
– FFA Team
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